Welcome to A-Star Solutions

Your premier IT partner in Sweden, empowering businesses with exceptional IT solutions. With a strong emphasis on web development and app development, we have earned a reputation for excellence in delivering innovative and tailored solutions that drive growth and success.

Our Comprehensive IT Solutions

Web Development

Our talented team of web developers creates stunning websites that leave a lasting impression on your audience. From responsive designs to seamless user experiences, we ensure that your website represents your brand with elegance and functionality.

App Development

We have extensive experience creating cutting-edge mobile applications that are appealing to your target audience. Whether it's a simple consumer app or a complex enterprise solution, we use cutting-edge technology to provide the best possible experience.

E-commerce Solutions

We understand the nuances of e-commerce and can create robust online stores that attract customers and increase sales. Our customized e-commerce solutions include secure payment gateways, inventory management systems, and an easy-to-use interface.

travel booking

Custom Software Development

Do you need a one-of-a-kind software solution to streamline your business processes? We can develop custom software applications to meet your specific needs, resulting in increased efficiency and productivity.

Why Choose A-Star Solutions:

Creativity and innovation are in our DNA at A-Star Solutions

We approach each project with a fresh perspective, constantly looking for new ways to solve complex problems and deliver unrivaled results.

Client-Centered Approach

Your satisfaction is our top priority. We take the time to understand your goals, challenges, and vision in order to develop solutions that are specifically tailored to your needs. Your success is our success.

Our Client-Centered Process:


We begin by having detailed discussions with you to understand the nuances of your project. We take into account your company's goals, target audience, and desired outcomes.

Design and Development:

Our designers create visually appealing designs, while our developers bring them to life with precision and efficiency.

Thorough Testing:

Prior to final delivery, we conduct extensive testing to ensure that the solutions meet the highest quality standards and function flawlessly.

On-Time Delivery:

We understand the value of time in business, and our project management ensures that we meet deadlines without sacrificing quality.

Ongoing Support:

Our relationship does not end with the completion of the project. We provide ongoing support to address any concerns and ensure peak performance.



Vinco App


DaarDoor Web App


Vinco Web App


Vinco Mobile App

Contact Us

What Happens Next

  1. Our business development team contacts you within two working days.
  2. A discovery session is held to understand your project requirements.
  3. All the information shared is protected.
  4. Our technical and business development teams analyze the scope of your project and share the best way forward in a proposal.
  5. A software development agreement is signed based on mutually agreed terms of the proposal.